Amazon DSP reports added to version 3 reporting

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We are excited to launch Amazon DSP reports on the latest version (version 3) of the Amazon Ads API as Open Beta. This release provides agencies, brands, and service providers with Amazon DSP reporting in addition to the existing Sponsored Ads reports. The new reports adhere to a common request and response schema we introduced with V3 reports, and provide customers with the same benefits currently available for Sponsored Ads reports: the ability to select date ranges, standardized metric names, and better reports availability over version 2. This release launches the following reports on V3 reporting for Amazon DSP: Campaign, Inventory, Geography, Technology, Audiences, Off-Amazon, Product, and Conversion Source, in addition to the already migrated Campaigns and Inventory reports. With this release, customers will find better consistency between Amazon DSP reports and those for other ad products. The new Amazon DSP reports come with standardized metric names allowing consistent naming across all ad product reports. This will enable customers to easily compare metrics across ad product reports. Another major change with this release is using a 14-day attribution window for all applicable Amazon DSP metrics. We dropped deprecated metrics and attribution suffixes in metric names from the reports, making it easier to read and analyze reporting information. For full technical details, please see our updated documentation in the advanced tools center.

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